Monday 20 April 2009

Help (final project)

Final Coursework thriller project, complete with music, titles and opening credits...
This experience has taught us a a lot about the film making process from, pre production, to production to finally post production.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

HELP (so far again!)

This is some of the progress we have made during one class. Although there is still alot to work on as well as add credits and sound etc we added the rough edit below...

Monday 30 March 2009

HELP (so far)

This is day one of filming, its basically just our character, Fiona walking but we thought it was helpful to add this clip anyway so you'll be able to see our progress. Keep in mind this is unedited...and only day one of filming!

Scream movies

We decided to post these clips up because they are similar to our movie, or storyline...
There is some good ideas in the clips below that will be useful to us when making our movie

Friday 27 March 2009

Thursday 19 March 2009

genre/audience expectations

Our movie "HELP" falls into the thriller/horror category. Throughout the production we will be showing feelings of isolation and depression through a number of shots. There will not be much dialogue in our film and we are going to have to represent feelings and emotion through shot types rather than actual conversation.

One of the most important things in a thriller is making sure you keep the audiences attention and not give the plot away too early in the film, you have to keep then guessing. The main plot in HELP is trying to find out who is talking to Fiona on the computer. The movie moves on and we begin to think about why this person is doing this and what will happen to Fiona. The audience also want to see action so our group will have to try and satisfy all the expecations of our viewers.

On the horror aspect our film is a guessing game. Inspirations have been taken from films such as "taken" and "saw". Our film will not be as graphic as Saw but some aspects have been taken from it. In a horror the audience expect to be scared and they will usually contain killing or violence. Our film will not be focusing too much on these aspects, just on a few.

I think these two clips represent what our group is trying to capture in our production, "Taken" is about a kidnapped girl whos father tracks her down, similar to Help. "Hostel" focuses more on the darker side of our film and obviously Help will not be as graphic. In Hostel a group of friends are kidnapped and try to escape from the place were there being kept, this is the situation Fiona is in toward the end of our movie.

Friday 20 February 2009

Help Storyboard

This is the storyboard of our movie, showing the main scenes that we plan on including.