Friday 30 January 2009

Plot of "Help"

How much do you really know about the people you talk to online?

Who will you turn to for help?

Our story revolves around Fiona, an average 16 year old girl. Like most girls of her age she spends most of her time at home, online, on chat rooms and instant messenger. One night the dangers of this world come crashing down upon her with the simplest of things, having a new contact added to her msn.

After Fiona's parents leave the house she heads straight to her bedroom, as usual. She signs online and finds she has a new contact, she begins to talk with this new contact, at the beginning things are fine but then things begin to get a little strange. At first this new "friend" seems fine but then the conversation starts to become a little personal. She's getting messages stating "I know your alone" and "I'm coming over". This person couldn't possibly know this, was it someone messing her around or was this for real. Fiona states " You don't know were I live" the conversation goes dead!

She begins to hear banging on the door, SUSPENSE, when she moves to the door to find that there is no one there but from the reflection of the glass she sees a cloaked being right behind her. She moves for the door only to be grabbed, she struggles pushing the attacker down revealing his black shoes. She finally escapes from her house to run next door. She bangs on her neighbours door for what seems like a century until finally the creepy teenager that lives next door, Ethan, answers her calls.

He opens the door slowly and looks at her fearfully. "Something's happening! there is some guy in my house." Ethan invites her in, She notices his big black shoes, before she has any time to react he closes the door and looks at her with a sickening pleasure building in his eyes. She tries to push past him and run out screaming. He grabs the Fiona and pushes her into a darkened room. There is a strange silence as Ethan locks the door and walks away leaving Fiona in the room.

Fiona begins to panic and notices the only light in the room is illuminating from a computer's screensaver. She gets up from the ground and wakes the computer only to see the conversation on the screen that she had with the stranger earlier that night. He was the person that added her, he was the stranger in her house! She acts quickly as she has no phone, and her parents wont be back until the morning, she adds her friend to the messenger that is still running. Thankfully her friend is online and she has just enough time to key in "Help!" before Ethan busts in and grabs her again. She is dragged off screen. All the audience can see is the computer screen of the girls friends messages coming up and all they can her is the screaming of the girl.

Suddenly the screaming stops. Heavy constant footsteps grow louder and louder until we see Ethan appear on screen again before the computer. He begins to key into Fiona's friends conversation and the movie fades out.


  1. This is the whole movie, as apposed to the 2 minute opening? Cause that's a lot for 2 mins. Sounds intriguing though.

  2. Yeah the whole movie,
    we can prob only film up to her escaping from her own house.
